Hi everyone. The validation process for DAO Proposal #1 – Improve staker P/L by increasing period duration has begun.

31 Mar 2021, 21:39
Hi everyone! The validation process for DAO Proposal #1 Improve staker P/L by increasing period duration has begun! Please proceed to validate (or invalidate) this much-anticipated protocol upgrade! 1) Read the proposal -> 2) Validate/invalidate the protocol upgrade -> 3) Upgrade your node to nucypher v4.8.0 or higher. Do this anytime before the protocol upgrade, but we strongly recommend doing it soon so you don’t forget. 4) If/when the protocol upgrade occurs, assuming you already upgraded your node, you will migrate to the new protocol simply by restarting the node. Remember to do this *after* the validation process successfully concludes. Note that steps 3 & 4 are the minimum actions required from every single NuCypher staker who wishes to continue staking post-upgrade. You can also inspect the proposal’s target code here: