NuCypher has never authorized any individual or organization in any form to sell any token on behalf of NuCypher in any country

01 Oct 2020, 22:51
NuCypher has never authorized any individual or organization in any form to sell any token on behalf of NuCypher in any country or region. NuCypher nor anyone from the NuCypher team will ever seek any investment in any form in any social media in any country or region. Nor will we ask any individual to provide any personal information for the same purpose. NuCypher has not listed on any exchange. No exchange is authorized to sell any NuCypher token on its platform. Please be alert about fradulent information. NuCypher从未授权任何组织或个人以任何形式在任何国家和地区代为售卖通证,NuCypher和所有团队成员均不会在任何国家和地区的任何社交媒体渠道上以任何方式寻求任何投资,也不会要求为投资之目的提供任何个人信息。目前,NuCypher尚未上线任何交易所,官方亦未授权任何交易平台销售通证。请注意甄别信息,保护好您的投资。